Thursday, February 5, 2009

la citta bella

I'm overlooking the Arno River crossing the bridge to my new favorite city! Tonight I went with a handful of the awesome girls I live with into the city for some relaxed shopping and exploring. I didn't find anything this time, but I've learned from a very wise friend how to be a wise shopper- to look around for the best price and quality and wait until I find exactly what is my heart's set on. So, knowing what my heart is set on, I didn't find it yet, but I definitely have a few great leads!

One of the most unexpected blessings I've encountered is the unbelievable help that my background of singing classic Italian literature has been; from Paducah Symphony Children's Chorus to Chior at Tilghman with DeWeese to Chorus at Harding with Dr. G, along with the countless Italian Arias I had to learn for voice lessons over the years. What an enriched childhood and life I've been given. Not only can I pronouce and read Italian for class perfectly, but when we are touring Florence and Robbie (our Humanities professor and head of HUF) quotes the words of David in Italian that are inscribed on the beautiful statues or buildings, I know exactly what they mean and they along with a beautiful melody play in my head the rest of the day.
"Sicut Cervus deciderat ad fontes aquarum, ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus." - As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God, Psalms 41. This is my absolute favorite song Tilghman ever sang; we sang it many times and we sang it beautifully.
"Te lucis ante terminum, rerum Creator, poscimus ut pro tua clementia sis praesul et custodia."- To Thee, before the close of day Creator of the world, we pray that with Thy wonted favor, Thou wouldst be our Guard and Keeper now. All-State chorus Junior year, cried through the whole song. Please you-tube it...."Te Lucis Ante Terminum".
There are SO many more, but is the Italian not the most beautiful thing you've ever heard? Imagine sitting in an ancient cathedral. Look at the breathtaking sculptures and art. Read the Italian inscriptions. Hear the songs you've sung for years with those same Italian phrases. And finally, understand that it all comes from our God so great and holy that He wrote those words, He created those brilliant artists and composers in his own image, He gave me the blessing of such a rich musical childhood, and He has given me the opportunity to be here in the middle of it all for three months with some of the best people in the world and most importantly a mind capable of merely beginning to comprehend the significance of each element coming together at once. I really, really can never complain again.

We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow- we have on site classes all day long. We'll be learning at the Medici Chapel, San Lorenzo Cathedral, another museum...I can't wait to write all about it.


  1. Sounds like you are truly enjoying every minute!

  2. hmm...what a wise friend you must have. I bet he's witty too.

  3. I'm thrilled to know you're having such a wonderful time & that You're giving God the glory! Love U! Aunt Pauli
